Play to earn game development

Play to earn game development is quite new. Following the rise of NFTs in 2020, a lot of gamers and companies realised the hidden potential of true ownership in online gaming. As a game developer, we at ChickenFish liked the idea of decentralized economies in gaming and have built up an extensive expertise in blockchain game development.

Play to earn or play and earn is a catchy buzz phrase. What is more important in development of a game on blockchain is how you build its economy. Naturally, the first focus of any game development is making sure that the game is fun, enjoyable and repeatable. But the extra focus comes with the blockchain - building a sustainable decentralized economy. It is that game economy that determines whether players will be able to exchange their assets and earn money.

P2E gaming drives more blockchain adoption than anything in the prior years. Unlike traditional gaming, a lot of development and funding is driven by blockchain communities. A lot of blockchains look for gaming expertise and are willing to actively help with development to attract more projects to their blockchain. Having built an extensive expertise in this field, we are partners with Polygon, Velas and Casper blockchains.

One of the integral part of most play-to-earn games is their internal token. Some gaming projects develop their token smart contract way before the game is out. But doing so requires clear understanding of the upcoming game, its economy and tokenomics. Choosing a correct blockchain is important, too.

There two general ways of going about development of blockchain games. You can plan everything ahead and work on your tokenomics alongside the game design. Or you can build your game first and bring it to web3 to increase its potential later. The biggest difference here is the architecture and game economy planning.

Most of the games can incorporate NFTs in its structure, but certain genres will benefit from it more. When it comes to a tokenized currency, the game needs to have a working economy in the first place. Strategical, tactical and turn-based games are ideal candidates to bridge to web3. As the industry is still very young, we haven't seen many big projects, but MMORPG is also a great case that will come to market soon.

As a game developer, we have a clear-cut process for play-to-earn game development. And it starts with outlining how exactly people interact with each other. We will work with you yo build the game design document for your project and tokenomics that fully cover all the in-game events as well as all outside token usage mechanisms.

It is also important to decide which platforms will the project be released on. Does it include mobile apps or WebGL? We will proceed to build secure architecture and backend for smart contract interaction based on our expertise of P2E game development.

You will need to work on marketing your token and project, get involved with exchanges and market making. We will make sure that the game runs smoothly and securely and NFTs and smart contracts help you monetize it to the greatest extent.